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Lisbon Photoshoots: 2018 Favourites

Is February too late to do a post about 2018? I guess we have a good excuse as we’ve just become parents again 🙂

We’re actually doing not one – but two posts with our 2018 favourites. This one with all the Lisbon Photoshoots and another with wedding photography which you can find here.

We’ve photographed a lot of people in 2018 in the streets of Lisbon – we shot families who wanted to have pictures to frame and hang on the walls. We shot singles who wanted photos for their Instagram and/or Tinder. We shot young entrepreneurs who needed some branding images for their site and Instagram. We shot friends we wanted to have a memory of their trip to Lisbon and who were celebrating their friendship.

And we shot couples – so many wonderful couples – who were on their honeymoon, who wanted to propose, who were doing a babymoon, who were doing a pre-wedding shoot, an engagement shoot, a 10-year wedding celebration shoot, a 40-year wedding celebration shoot and more!

2018 was busy, intense and full of wonderful stories of joy and love.

It was no easy job to pick our favourites among all the Lisbon photoshoots, but we’ve somehow managed to do a selection. Now, tell us, which one do you like the most?

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